Friday 29 August 2008

Thursday 28 August 2008

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Just like the Italians...

Off for an after dinner stroll - and the baby fell asleep, so it did its job!

Monday 25 August 2008

Sunday 24 August 2008

Friday 22 August 2008

Thursday 21 August 2008

The view from the window next to my PC

(the slow news day didn't take long to come!)

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Lucky me: Inspired by a friend's 365, I thought I'd post a picture of the walk the baby and I do most days.

This is at the back of our building, so only 30 seconds walk from our living room. You can see Chiswick Bridge which looks far away, but in reality is only 5 minutes walk. We couldn't afford one of the flats with the river views, but not many Londoners have this, Barnes Common, Kew Gardens and Richmond Park all in walking distance. Not a bad spot to live in.
I can't help thinking I wasted my photo today, as the above could've been posted on a slow news day instead! However, I have to include a few more as today I braved painting for the first time with my daughter in our own home - whoooo-hoooo! She loved it too:

Fuelling up beforehand. I was well nervous (necking vodka in the kitchen!).

Getting stuck in.

The end result (I've got 6 more of these if anyone has any suggestions as to what I could do with them!).

The damage (not too bad I didn't think?)

We enjoyed it so much we even made a video for Nana and Grandad in Oz.

Saturday 16 August 2008

Absolute precision planning: booked the baby's party today. What can I say? I'm cancerian!

And, I'm sneaking this one in, just because I can't resist a cute picture of her, do you think she's pleased about something?

Friday 15 August 2008

Not long after breakfast, while the baby was wearing just her nappy we asked her if she wanted to go to the park with Daddy.

Delighted, she ran to her room, and returned in this get-up:

note the bangle, I've taught her everything I know about accessorizing!

Thursday 14 August 2008

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Saturday 9 August 2008

Sunday 3 August 2008